Having said that, something has occurred on the internet that demands your attention. Something wonderful. See, there was this writers strike a few months ago, and none of the writers were allowed to write anything for television or movies for a while as a result. Naturally, a lot of these writers tried to figure out where else they could do their work. This led to Joss Whedon getting together with his friends and family, and they self financed a little three part musical, Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog.
Now I know I said that I try to avoid the rabid fanboy vibe here, but I can't. Joss Whedon stepped up to fill the gap that us geeks felt inside of us. No longer can we turn to George Lucas, who took our childhood heroes and tarnished them forever. No longer can we rely on decent Star Trek, which, let's be honest, officially jumped the shark with the passing of James Tiberius Kirk. But Joss came along with Buffy, with Firefly, and gave us something we needed...geek media with actual quality. So for me, this goes beyond highly recommending something that's entertaining (and it is). I want a show of support, and what better way to give that support than to send all four of my regular readers to this site. (I know - my numbers are way up these days. Woot!)
So, while I am a fanboy, I'm not rabid. I didn't even watch Firely until it had been canceled (something I regret, but now I own the dvds as well as the film Serenity, which you should all own too). I've only watched the entire series of Buffy the Vampire Slayer like four times (not counting the musical episode, Once More With Feeling, which I've seen a shameful number of times and own the soundtrack to), and I've watched maybe half a season of Angel. I haven't even purchased the run of X-men comics he wrote, mostly because I didn't realize that they are now available as trade paperbacks which is the only way I read comics and I would love, love, love to get my hands on. (How are my hints? Too heavy handed? I can never tell.)
Anyway, his new show Dollhouse isn't due until January, 2009, so some of us were looking for a fix, and this was it. So there. Go watch now. It's musical. It's funny. It has Nathan Fillion and Neil Patrick Harris. It has one semi-racy joke, so maybe watch it when you get home if you blush easily. And then go rent Buffy. And Firefly. And write letters to Universal Pictures demanding sequels to Serenity.
What's that? The third thing I try to avoid here on DLOG? Oh, I just figured that as a loyal reader, you knew that one.
Furries. &$%#ing freaks.
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