I'm really tired again, so forming coherent sentences is not my strong suit right now. In fact, it makes my head hurt. Lucky for me, I don't have in intellectually challenging job that requires clear-headedness. Wait...what is it I do again?
These are the days I wish I had pursued something less mentally challenging (and yes, I realize that in describing my career in these terms, I've just declared myself as being mentally challenged). I could have been lots of things, many of which would have been much easier to do when this tired.
For example, I wanted to write professionally. Now, this woud require the formulation of sentences to be sure, but I wanted to write fiction. I could have used days like today to take advantage of my semi-delusional state. When better to play "what if" games and come up with my latest science fiction/horror/romantic comedy bestseller? (I would actually want to read a combined science fiction, horror, romantic comedy bestseller - something Like When Harry Met Sally, but with ghosts on a space ship. I'll have to work on that.)
I could have stayed on in my career as a winged vigilante. Few people realize the perks of such jobs. You pretty much set your own schedule, and the fact is that super villains are few and far between, so really most of the gig consists of wandering rooftops watching the local 7-11 for ruffians. You can find a nice roof and nap whenever you feel like it. Good times. Unfortunately, lack of a large inheritance brought an end to that. Vigilante work can be fun, but the pay blows egg water.
Finally, my other dream job would have worked out today as well. See, I had this plan to wander my way down to Florida and become a beach bum. Planned well, this is really a reasonable life style. You live near the ocean, so you can bathe regularly, eliminating one of the primary turn-offs of the homeless lifestyle. There's the occasional hurricane, so if you time things well you should be able to scavenge lots of nice stuff. I was even going to get a shopping cart with sand tires. I could be napping on a beach right now.
Unfortunately, the hobo gig doesn't lend itself real well to being a family man, so I chose a different path. This was for the best of course - even when tired I can see that. So I will knuckle down and try my best to write code, hoping that I don't muck it up too badly, propped up the entire time on caffeine.
Remind me to send the good people who make at Pepsi a thank you letter - I'm pretty sure I owe a large part of my career success to them.
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