Now, the interesting thing about my favorite shirt is that it is the one item of clothing that I own that my lovely wife actively loathes. As a happily married man, I ordinarily would promptly dispose of such an item, not due to any browbeating on her part, but rather because at some point you realize that you have exactly one woman to impress in this world (two in my case, as I also count my daughter's opinions when offered) and the wise man acts on that knowledge. In this one instance however I can not do such a thing. This is not a shirt I wear for others.
This is the one that's just for me.
Maybe it's the big brown eyes, or the fact that I fondly remember the ads as being not only brilliant, but the first time advertisers were clearly speaking directly to pot heads. (Don't believe me? Go watch the original ad again and have a look at that dude at the end.) Maybe it's the fact that it's unique and has that vintage look without being one of those goofy t-shirts that are made to look that way when you buy them new. Maybe I just love me some Taco Bell (and I really, really do).
Whatever the reason, this shirt holds a place in my heart that makes it so once in a while, I have to drag it out and wear it proudly. So for today, I will march around in my bright red shirt, Trekkie superstitions be damned. When the day is done, it will get laundered, folded, and carefully put back into the stack of shirts to await until the next time I'm feeling all sassy and need to bring it out again.
The only downside is that my packed lunch is going to kind of blow, because now I seriously could go for some Taco Bell.
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