Me personally, I'm glad to see Gucci take this initiative. Too long have we coddled groups that enable criminal activity just because they were "doing their job". I mean, if you're going to provide the means for people to pay for such transactions, then clearly you are complicit in said transactions. In fact, this has inspired me to start a movement to take down he real enablers of criminal activity in this world.
I speak of course, of Government.
Seriously, Government thinks they can print and distribute money with no thought about how that money might be used. New flash: almost all criminal activity directly revolves around money one way or another. Back when people were bartering for chickens, there was a whole lot less mugging going on. If not for all this money the Government has distributed, there wouldn't be nearly the levels of extortion, burglary, theft, drug dealing, etc. Clearly, the Government is the greatest enabler of crime that our time has ever seen.
There will, of course, be naysayers. They'll say that the Government is simply providing a service, and that the Government cannot be held responsible for the fact that some people will abuse the freedom that money offers. Well tough. If those bleeding-heart liberals care more about their ability to pay for a tall latte with a five dollar bill with no concern that the same bill could eventually be used to buy a vial of crack for some kid, then their priorities are far too askew to even consider their opinions valid. Why won't they think of the children? Take the cash out of the equation, and it becomes clear what we have to do.
Crack houses don't take other dealers operating in their turf, and they don't take American Express.
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