What they were fighting about didn't matter. Someone said or did something. Or they didn't. Either way, it had devolved into the same fight they always had. He didn't listen. She didn't value his opinions. It would eventually end with her storming out of the room, leaving him to fume until time soothed them both and they got over it.
Except this time, something changed.
They were just getting to the point of total meltdown, minutes away of the crescendo that ended in tears and frustration, when he said, "I need to step away for a minute."
Of course, this just made things worse. "Don't you dare walk away from this," she demanded.
"Look," he said, "I just need to step away for a second."
"No," she countered. "You don't get to just walk away without us resolving this. We can't keep having this same fight."
"And we won't," he said, growing more desperate. Red-faced, he continued. "I just need a second by myself."
"Well that's too bad. No one leaves this room until we work this out."
And that's the first and last time that their standard fight ended with Eric farting.
Don't ask me where this came from. It probably would have made a good comic, but alas, I have no skills with the art beyond coloring books. I do like the idea of a story so short you could read it during a single trip to the restroom. I'll have to work on that.
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