This morning, I had agreed to go into the Princess's school to discuss her weekly work sheet with her teacher, as not all items had been marked as completed and she had insisted they were done. I went in and discussed it with her teacher, who responded as I had expected - she had been out sick for four days, returning just in time for the Halloween festivities. As such, she was a little discombobulated, and some things had slipped through the cracks. (Side note: I've never considered that, for teachers, being sick means you have some other person working in your space, moving your things about and manhandling your personal effects. I would not abide by this. One more reason the programming gig is a good one.)
Anyway, I played the role of the good parent as best I can. I was charming and attentive, showing support for my daughter and understanding for the teacher's situation. When I walked back to my car, I was all puffed up, as I often am when I successfully interact with one of my daughter's teachers or friends (or anyone else in real life, for that matter). I got into my car all happy with myself, kicked on the radio, and looked into the rear-view mirror to check for cars and/or short people behind me, which is when I noticed it.
You know, there's nothing that sucks the confidence out of a person like that moment when you have to ask yourself just how long you've had that big, honking booger hanging out of your nose.
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