Anyway, there is now this excess supply of chihuahuas with no home and people are all concerned about the fate of the poor pooches. As usual, these people are missing the obvious opportunity that this situation presents. We have a bunch of extra chihuahuas. We have a terrible economy with a lot of people out of work. We have a state that has (at least for those with medical issues) legal marijuana distribution.
Two words, dudes and dudettes: chihuahua tacos.
Come on people, this is a no-brainer. They're just going to put those poor little pups to sleep anyway. Why not use them to provide inexpensive meals for the good people of California? And really, if we're going to start eating dogs (and I see no reason not to, as they're no cuter than cows), what could be more natural than to use chihuahuas to make tacos? We could even get cheese from Chihuahua, Mexico, and have double chihuahua tacos. It practically markets itself.
You know what, I bet the chihuahuas would even want us to make tacos out of them if their little, dumb, chihuahua brains could comprehend such concepts as national pride. Or Tacos. Or death. (I've lived with chihuahuas. They're not the quickest rats in the pack.)
So let's make this happen people. Let's grab a bottle of salsa, shred some lettuce, break out the shells, and make us some tacos con perros. I bet they'll taste just like chickens.
Little, yappy, big-eyed chickens.
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