Monday, February 1, 2010

Best Part: Googling Each One To Make Sure They're Not In Use

It may surprise you to find out that Dangerously Low On Grog was not the only idea for an online foray I've entertained. I had several concepts for online journals that, for one reason or another, just never took off. Here are some examples that any of you are welcome to steal if the mood strikes you.

  • Lord Blackheart's Musings on the Misery that is Life
    Given up because I had to end my Goth phase. Who has time to put on black eye liner and lip gloss when you're trying to get kids out the door?

  • Things My Colon Said
    Pretty self explanatory. Had to abandon this one on the grounds that my lovely wife threatened to leave me while I was "searching for the perfect quote".

  • Neat Places To Hide Bodies
    Closed on the advice of my attorney.

  • Things You Can Stuff Into Petas
    Fat-fingered the title, inadvertently leading to several animal-rights activists being stuffed with lamb meat and cucumber sauce and then offing themselves over the guilt of enjoying it so much.

  • Foods That Smell Like Body Parts
    Shut down due to lack of interest/appetite.
    Swiss Cheese Cubes

  • Proof That the Internet Is Full Of Morons
    Closed because YouTube/news site comments pretty much cover everything I could have ever said.

  • How To Make People Say "Hey, Who's Touching Me?"
    Also closed on the advice of my attorney. Dude has no respect for social experiments.

  • Will This Fit There?
    Closed due to repeated injury.

Fortunately I settled on DLOG, where the research is easier and doesn't involve injury/revulsion/potential litigation (usually).

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