Ignoring everything else in the editorial, (which is the usual "if we give it to anyone then the kids will get it too), they state the following measure: "one marijuana plant can yield 28,000 joints in one year". Okay, having done independent research on this (no, I'm not citing my sources - trust me), I'm calling shenanigans on this little factoid. I don't know who's rolling joints for these people, but they are claiming that these plants (12 per person who is given an ID card from a doctor who confirms medical necessity) are somehow able to grow and thrive despite the fact that the person growing them is cutting off enough of the plant to roll over 76 joints a day.
Now look, I'm not a farmer. I've never grown marijuana. I've never grown a damned thing, but what little I do know about growing plants and general biology says that constantly cutting off leaves and whatnot (especially the whatnot - heh) would probably be detrimental to the health of said plant. Nonetheless, these people want me to believe that these magnificent green thumbs who apply for the ability to alleviate pain and whatnot with medical marijuana will be able to do so despite their severe illnesses. Heck, if that's true, we should let them do it based purely on the advances that we will get in the farming industries. Think of what they could do with corn or wheat! These people could feed the world!
Now, I'm sure the group responsible for this number didn't make it up out of thin air (political groups never do), but all the same I'm saying it ain't so. This thing stinks of inflation that make my tires jealous. Of course, I can't find out where the numbers come from because the group who is cited in the article (Drug Free Schools Coalition) doesn't have a web site. In fact, I can't find anything about them on the internet other than they are often cited as a source for such things. Personally, that makes me skeptical, but that's just how I am I guess. Use your own judgment, but take it from me, it would take more than a pot of soil and a bottle of Miracle Grow to pull this one off. So take these claims with a grain of salt.
Try one of these maybe:
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