Monday, February 18, 2008

It Would have Been Easier If Oprah Had Run

I've been trying to avoid expressing any kind of political opinions here, because frankly discussions of politics and religion tend to upset people. Still a lot of people have been wanting to know my thoughts as a black woman on Obama and Clinton. This is really strange to me, first because, as I said, I don't like making political statements, and second because I'm a white guy.

Honestly, when I look past the whole gender/race thing, the two seem very similar to me. Hillary has done things that irritate me tremendously in the past, not the least of which is supporting legislation to regulate the video game industry, once again jumping on the popular "protect the kids" bandwagon that looks so good to a politician, and looks pretty good to parents who don't want to have to think or keep track of what their kids do. If you read here regularly, you know how I feel about that.

Obama on the other hand has some pretty good ideas, but he's newer. My guess is that if he'd been in the game longer, he would also have done things that irritate me. I do like his ideas about public officials having everything they do put online. I mean, it's never gonna happen, but I like the idea. It's like saying we're going to have responsibility fairies following Congress around and reporting back to us. At least with the fairies, you know what kind of story you're listening to.

As far as who will do the better job, I don't know. I do have to admit that part of me likes the idea of a woman president, just because it will truly shake what other countries think about us. I don't mean as a progressive nation, I mean as far as foreign relations go. Any man who's been in a relationship knows that dealing with woman can be a far more difficult thing.

Syria: "What's up Iran? You're looking all stressed out today."

Iran: "Oh Allah. I was out late last night and ended up getting in a big fight with Hezbolla. Hillary found out and now she's all mad."

Syria: "Oh dude, you better do something to make it up to her. Last time she was mad at us, there were serious sanctions, if you know what I mean."

Iran: "No, what do you mean?"

Syria: "You know, non-military impositions placed on a country perceived to be behaving out of line with the international community."

Bill: "Oh man, that is so not what I thought you were talking about."

Okay, that last bit was uncalled for, but you get the idea.

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