Monday, June 2, 2008

What Does Wonder Woman Say About You?

The wonders of the sleeping mind fascinate me completely. What goes on when we sleep is such an odd process, and while I'm always interested in the debate of whether our mind is just wandering when it creates those bizarre visions it presents us, or if it's attempting to update some sort of internal filing system to make sense of the past day's events, the results are always interesting. Perhaps my favorite part, though, is in those moments just before we completely give ourselves to Lord Morpheous' embrace, instead slipping between wakefulness and dream. It was in this moment, I suppose, when the following bit of advice was given to me:

"That's easy. You just need to ask them who their favorite superhero is."

These were the words spoken to me by my lovely wife Saturday night as I lay there waiting to sleep. They were said with the complete conviction of someone who has seen the light and determined the best course of action. They were clearly not words to be taken lightly.

The only problem was that I didn't know what the *$&% she was talking about.

So, being me, I asked, and this is where things get wonderfully weird. See, she remembered saying it, but could not for the life of her figure out why. So by the time I asked, mere milliseconds, her mind had already done away with the process that had led up the statement. We have no idea where that came from.

So now I keep asking myself what possible problem, what ponderous question led to such a solution. Was it about someone's moral character (are you a Superman or a Wolverine)? Did it have to do with determining potential (I'm guessing Aquaman fans don't expect much of themselves), or maybe social tendencies (Ooh, Batman huh? Not good.)? Maybe it would help if you were buying someone tights and needed to know what color to pick.

Dammit, what does it mean?

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