Friday, August 1, 2008

There's Something Happening Here

You know, I had written up a big long rant against the government for their new ability seize our laptops and other electrical devices indefinitely at the border, with or without reason. The thing is, I can't even get upset about this stuff anymore, because we all let it happen. Maybe I'm just depressed, but it seems to me like we, as a nation, have officially failed.

Look at the headlines. People making ridiculous suggestions about how to solve the oil crisis, leading to outright childish behavior on the part of both major parties, or my previous gripes about the ridiculous handling of the housing crisis. I don't know if it's that it's a presidential election year, or maybe I just haven't been paying attention, but all I hear about from our government seems to be partisan asshattery. It does not bode well for us as a people.

Is it our apathy? Is it that we think we're so much better than all the other countries that our own failings can be forgiven? Are we simply a nation of tools? I'm afraid that lately, I'm leaning towards the latter. I mean, it's hard for me to believe - most people I know seem intelligent. At the same time, only 69% of Americans can name the Vice President. Louisiana just signed legislation that seems to be targeted towards allowing intelligent design to be taught in schools. (And please, for my religious readers, don't misunderstand my being upset at this with persecution. I don't particularly care what you believe, but I feel that pushing ID as science is purposefully fraudulent.) It just looks like we're backpedaling here.

I'm guessing that my current chagrin is simply a product of todays bad attitude (went to bed in a funk, and while I slept it grew into a megafunk or George Clinton proportions). Hopefully so. A good night's sleep, and I'll go back to my otherwise sunny and ignorant self, perfectly willing to put my rose-colored glasses on and face the world anew.

On a side note, do these rose-colored glasses make me look gay?

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