Monday, August 11, 2008

What's More, This Completes My Console Trifecta

This weekend, a wonderful thing happened. No, it wasn't the second family reunion weekend in a row (which was fun, but frankly means a lot of driving these days), nor the confirmation that I am not expected to attend my fifteenth high school reunion (every ten years is plenty, thanks). No, this weekend, I got a new toy.


After leaving this weekend's reunion, I went straight to the Toy's R Us and bought a PSP, my first ever foray into Sony gaming systems (I've have the XBox and have previously owned various Nintendo systems). Now, the PSP is not exactly a new piece of hardware, but that fits in well with my practice of staying a generation behind in gaming technology (remember kids, just because a game is new doesn't make it the best game ever - Super Mario Brothers is stil,l more fun than American McGee's Bad Day L.A.). Even better, I got a bundle, so we have a family friendly game (Daxter), a game of killing (God of War: Chains of Olympus), and a UMD Family Guy: The Freakin Sweet collection. All good.

What's really funny is that I keep up so much on gaming stuff, even though I don't often participate, that I knew exactly what to expect. As such, when I got the inevitable dead pixel (link has NSFW language), not only was I not crushed by the lack of perfection in my new toy, I actually felt like I was part of the group. Why yes, yes I did find my dead pixel and what's more, DUDE, I TOTALLY HAVE MY OWN PSP WITH A DEAD PIXEL ON IT!

Okay, maybe I'm a little out of control here, but try to understand, I have become a dreadfully responsible person in the last decade or so, and a big part of the is the constant denial of expenditures in the "fun" category. Every time I eyeball some toy, I tell myself that the money would be better spent on something responsible. Of course, I'm right. Still, once in a while it's nice to drop the ball, give it an official what-the-heck, and get a new toy. It's a bit embarrassing, but I'm pretty sure the whole ride home (in which I made my lovely wife drive so I could play) I was actually beaming.

So there it is. Christmas came early this year, and apparently I've been a good little boy. You'll probably notice a dramatic slowdown in the book reviews, as I'll be spending my alone time engrossed in gaming goodness, but I'm guessing that they aren't anyone's favorite reason for coming here anyway.

If it helps ease the transition, I'll happily describe the visceral joy I'll take in ripping a harpies wings off and beating it with them.

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