Thursday, September 25, 2008

Boy, Micheal Crichton Missed the Boat on That One

Ah, technology. Technology allows me to schedule posting here, so even today, while I am away, I get to bring you, my readers, another rambling post on the weirdness that is this world. Life is good.

First, an epic fail. PETA, who has practically mastered the epic fail, has put in a suggestion to Ben and Jerry's that, in an effort to be more humane, all their ice creams should cease using cow's milk and should instead be created with human breast milk. Ignoring the obvious humor that could be derived from naming such ice cream (yes, I do occasionally take the high road), one has to wonder why they do things like this.

You know, I'm not real fond of dairy products. For the most part, I don't eat dairy products. Besides being kind of icked out with the whole bodily fluids thing, I know that the conditions that the cows are often subjected to can be pretty harsh. I'm sure there are exceptions (something I say to avoid receiving letters from angry dairy farmers), but I've heard some stuff I'd rather have not heard.

The problem with PETA is that they pull these stunts that are so preposterous that the stunt outshines whatever they were trying to say. So in the end, all they get out of it is a little free press, where they are soundly ridiculed and mocked for being as ridiculous as they are. What they are not is heard. Pity.

In brighter news, a scientist at the California Polytechnic State University drilled a hole in a hunk of amber and extracted a colony of yeast (among other, not so interesting bacteria and whatnot) that could be up to 45 million years old. What's really cool is that they were able to activate that yeast, even after all of that time. So, what to you do with 45 million year old yeast?

You brew beer out of it of course.

Unfortunately, you have to be in the California area to score a bottle of anything from the Fossil Fuels Brewing Company, but I assure you that if I was, I would give it a go. For now, I'll have to stick to Bell's. Actually, I'm pretty much okay with that.

And where am I today, that I might be away from a computer for too long a period to actually write this for you. I'm at my Alma Mater, trying to convince students not to abandon the sinking ship that is Michigan, but rather to come to my neck of the woods and work for my company. Hopefully, some of them will listen.

Until tomorrow kids, be good. Oh, and feel free to take the low road on the whole Ben & Jerry's ice cream naming things. That's what the comments section is there for.

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