Thursday, September 11, 2008

Yeah...I've Got a Thing That Night

Last night, I got a letter in the mail that I knew was coming. I identified it before I opened it. It was one of those squarish things that almost always mean the same thing - an invitation - and thanks to a forwarded e-mail from my mother in law, I knew precisely what I was being invited to.

Another high school reunion.

Now then, just five years ago my wife and I made a last minute decision to attend our ten year reunion (which I still feel bad for, since we did not RSVP). We went, it was...interesting. Mostly, it was like high school but with less hair and more drinking. Actually, now that I think more about it, it was just less hair.

Now we've been invited back and this time, it's a definite no. It's not that I don't wonder what everyone is up to (although honestly, things like Facebook are starting to eliminate that). It's just that, well, we're busy, and I just went back five years ago. Furthermore, and I can't stress this enough, I didn't like high school. It blew. As such, the idea of reliving it every ten years is fine. Every five years seems like a bit of overkill to me.

So there you are. I looked over the invite, admired a cute bulldog, and then tossed it. Call me again in five years, and, assuming that I have not yet been hit by a bus, then I'll show. For now, I'll just go on mostly trying to forget high school and the emotional whipping that it was. Besides, I did the smart thing. I took the best part of high school with me.

And she's stuck with me the rest of her life.

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