Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I'm Thinking Maybe I Need A Time Out

Okay, so I'm a having a little trouble getting started today. The issue is that I try to keep DLOG a nice mix of sweet and sour - a little bit of political ranting here, a random bit of humor there, etc. As such, I feel like I should be offering the sugar bowl after yesterday's bit of anger.

Problem is that frankly, I don't feel better. Everything I try to write about today is angry. Not my typical "oh this will make for a funny rant" anger either. This is something darker, and not really like me. I think the point where I was addressing the inmate who was trying to claim that he's too fat to be humanely executed, and I found myself suggesting they put an apple in his mouth and throw him over a spit, I realized that maybe today, I should just skip the whole thing. (Be glad I deleted that one and started over...you're missing the really dark stuff.)

So yeah, I think today we're going for brevity. In lieu of the funny I should have brought, I'm linking you to yesterday's PvP, which contained a line that, last night as I tried to sleep, repeatedly popped into my head and made me laugh. These small laughs, like hugs from my babies or a moment watching the birds flock for the Fall, are the small pressure valves that keep me from popping on days like today.

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