Thursday, October 16, 2008

Oh Internet, Is There Anything You Can't Do?

Ah, the internet. Will you ever cease to amaze me? Every time I think we've run out of things to make new web sites about, the internet steps in and proves that people are even more wonderfully weird than I could have ever imagined. I'm just glad a have a group of forumites decent enough to hunt down the goods, that I may pass them along to you.

Take this site for example. Whether your for or against the potential Palin Presidency (ooh, there's that chill I get every time I say that), you have to admire the sheer detail of this thing. What's more impressive to me is the promise to update it until November 4th. At first I took that as an empty promise, but then I click this morning, and there's an annoying drip on the desk that, when clicked, brings none other than Joe "Not Event Registered To Vote?" Plumber, winner of last night's debate. Nice.

As if silly views of current events wasn't enough, how about the internet's constant stream of news that I might have otherwise missed? A granny get's mugged, then surprises assailants by turning out to be a former cross-country champion. A Cambodian couple's divorce ends in separating their property, literally. Or my personal favorite, the dude who tried to pay for his fast food with weed. Have it your way indeed.

But that's the usual stuff. How about something really weird? Well, have a look at uspide down dogs. It's a website where people post pictures of their dogs. Upside down. The dogs I mean. Actually, the pictures are upside down too. So it's a website where people post pictures of their upside down dogs upside down. And people have the nerve to claim that there's no new ideas.

Oh, I suppose the internet is also good for the mass sharing of information allowing an unprecedented flow of knowledge that has changed the way humanity approaches many aspect of day to day lives, bringing people together across traditional social and societal boundaries and allowing us to share in the humanity of others in ways we had never previously dreamed of. Or whatever.

But dude...upside down dogs. That's solid gold, baby. Solid gold.

Apparently, Joe is in fact a registered Republican. Unfortunately his name is spelled wrong, so there's a good chance he'll be blocked from casting a regular ballot on November 4th.

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