Friday, January 16, 2009

Did...Did Your Cheese Just Move?

The following post, I will be discussing something that is absolutely not safe for lunch. Actually, if you have a sensitive stomach of any kind, skip it. Or if you're pregnant, and may suddenly have a sensitive stomach (you know who you are). Or if you're just a big sissy.

So, now that I've eliminated all but the hard core, let's discuss a food product I've just discovered. It's a cheese. I don't generally eat cheese, what with me being the brand of vegetarian that avoids dairy and meat (I will succumb to a cheese pizza, but only if it's really, really free). Well this particular cheese, casa marzu is Italian. It notable for its softness, as well as the fact that it is riddled with live insect larvae.

Still with me? Shocking. I'm a little ashamed of you to be honest.

Anyway, apparently Italy wanted to challenge the Scottish (who have a diet largely based on dares) and come up with something truly putrid to eat. So they take a perfectly nice piece of pecorino, a hard cheese made of sheep's milk, and they put it out where a particular bug referred to as the cheese skipper (apparenly more efficient than the cheese professor or the cheese Mary Ann) can land on it and lay their eggs. The eggs hatch, the larvae (which can launch themselves 15 cm - ick) do their thing until the cheese is soft to the point of being runny, and then people eat it.


Because people are stupid. Well, there's more to it. Honestly, it's probably because someone thinks it's an aphrodisiac. Seriously. What's even sadder is that it's &#%$ing illegal. People are going out and hunting down bug-riddled cheese on the black &$%#ing market in an effort to get their freak on. This brings us right back to my original point, that being that people are stupid.

It's not like they don't have energy drinks in Italy.

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