Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Also, You Never Tell Me I Look Nice Anymore

Due to a recent hand injury, I'm going to back down on the blog a bit. As such, we will be running with a new, ultra-short format for a while. Hopefully it will be enough to placate our regular readers until I heal.

Today, I wish to pass along some relationship advice. Ladies, sometimes men just don't want to talk right this minute, and frankly, repeating yourself just makes us withdraw further. Consider giving us some space instead. Believe me, there's nothing more frustrating than hearing the same things over and over again when we're not prepared to deal with it. "Why won't you talk to me? You act like I'm not even here. Why did you bury me in the cold, cold ground?"

Seriously, it's stuff like this that makes me not even want to answer the planchette sometimes.

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