So, I threw the link up in an effort to push myself into the new Monkey Island game, what with me having a natural stake in it and all (this blog, for those who don't know, gets its name from the original Secret of Monkey Island). Unfortunately, I realized that while this blog gets decent traffic, that is not going to be enough to tip the scales in my favor. What's worse is that there is a chance that this contest might not be decided on the actual quality of the entry, but rather who can influence the most people to go vote for them through some other fealty.
I started ticking through my own resources. I posted the link twice to Facebook, which will get me a subset of the sixty or so people I'm connected to there (so three). I put the link over on Halforum, where I know I picked up a couple of hits from the people I haven't managed to annoy yet. Still, this seems decidedly lacking in numbers. I mean, if I'm ever going to successfully overthrow the worlds leaders and force everyone to recognize me as their supreme lord, you'd think I'd be better at attracting hordes. Seriously, I couldn't even start a cult with these numbers, and I'm way more pretty and charismatic that L. Ron Hubbard was.

So now, I have to figure out how to increase my online presence. Twitter is probably out, as being brief isn't exactly my strong suit. I already have the RSS feed at the bottom of the blog which you've all subscribed to lest you miss one of these delightful and fascinating posts. I've included a bevy of "Share This" links so you can all share your favorite posts (or my favorite posts) with friends via Facebook, Digg, and now even Twitter, links that you're all using, right? Right?
Come one people, what does it say about the state of the world if we can't unite a simple legion of followers through snarky remarks and occasional bathroom humor?
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