Friday, February 22, 2008

I Wonder If It'll Get Me out Of Buying Groceries, Too

I'll keep this brief, as I'm sick. For the last three days, I have been a world of wheezing, head achy, stuffed up goodness. I even went so far as to go to the doctor, a task I typically reserve for rather serious ailments that might include the words, "So, is it gonna fall off or what?".

The thing is, I left work early yesterday, and then today I called off entirely, and now I feel guilty. I don't feel guilty because I was wrong - I feel awful, and all I would have done is sit at my desk, stare at my machine, and maybe occasionally moan. Also, I am aware that cube-ville becomes an incubator for all sorts of disgusting illnesses, and I always feel like I'm responsible if I work and then someone else gets sick soon after. I even have the time off to spare. I just always feel guilty when I call in, like I'm being a sissy or something.

It doesn't help that I have a desk job. It's not like I shovel coal for a living. I sit and work at a computer. It's a lot like what I'm doing now, except if my grogginess causes a mistake here, it doesn't mean I spend three days looking for some obscure bug. Believe me, it's happened. (On a side note, I wonder if the work "groggy" is somehow rooted in "grog". Like the proper definition is "having difficulty thinking straight, as if one had ingested too much grog".)

So there it is. I'm going to get a cup of decaf (we don't have any good teas), find a blanket, and return to my previous sitting in one spot. Hopefully the antibiotics the doctor gave me will kick in soon, and I will be as spry and witty as you all have come to expect.

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