Wednesday, March 5, 2008

But the Station They Said to Listen to Plays Country Music

Out of bed at 6, five minute shower, and then out the door to shovel snow. We had a bit of a dumping on last night, and the snow on the driveway and sidewalk hit around a foot where it had drifted. It took me almost an hour to clear it all, much of that time spent wondering why they don't warn you about these things when buying a corner lot.

While shoveling, I remembered that I had to buy diapers on the way to day care, as they were out, and I had to deal with a book sale today for the Princess. Fortunately, when I got inside the kids were already up and getting breakfast with Management, so I just had to apply the typical rushing techniques with a little emphasis so we could leave early. I packed lunches, they ate breakfast, Management took care of the book sale - things were looking good.

Breakfast is finished, and I declared that I was picking out the outfits to avoid the frequent sartorial debate that occurs when I suggest an outfit for the Princess. I picked out clothes, drawing on all my Disney Channel based research to make sure I'm not dressing her like a nerd or anything, and then declare breakfast over. We all rush upstairs and get to dressing.

Dressing is finished, and we move into toothbrushing. I grab my brush, apply paste, and then carry the Moose into their bathroom to get his set. He and I brush, him watching me for that glorious moment when we get to lean over the sink and spit. He has of course already swallowed his toothpaste (it's the toddler stuff that's made for just that reason), but he like to make the "ptoo" sound, and he does it well. The Princess joins us halfway through, and starts on her teeth while I brush her hair. She wails and gives me dirty looks in the mirror for pulling (really, I was trying to be careful). Headband back in, brushes rinsed, and we're off again.

I throw ice packs into lunch bags, and lunch bags into school bags. The Princess has been sidelined by Management to get a face washing, so the Moose gets his coat, hat and shoes on while I holler up that we have to go. Okay, Maybe I holler a couple of time. I tend to be a little freaky about being on time for things.

Out the door and off to the store. We stop to grab a complimentary donut hole for each of the kids, debate about who got a bigger one, exchange donut holes, and then grab diapers. Check out, get cash back for the book sale, and back to the car.

So now we're driving to day care, and it strikes me for the first time that the roads are really bad. In addition, I had yet to see a school bus, which I've trained myself to look for in the mornings in case of the snow day. So, I tune it the supplied radio station and wait for closing announcements. After about 30 seconds of country music, I feel my will to live pooling on the floor of the car beneath my seat. I call information and get connected to the school system, only to confirm that yes, school's out.

So now we're at home, and as I write this the room next to the office is serving it's purpose nicely - it's being destroyed by two tots in a flurry of toys and dress up clothes (I really can't recommend saving a room for letting them run loose highly enough). We've negotiated dress up clothes, lunch, and clean up arrangements, as well as a potential movie time if all goes well. I'm sipping a fresh pot of coffee, and I have nowhere to be.

Funny, I didn't think I liked snow days anymore.


Jasen said...


Can you sign up for text messaged/e-mails of school closings? I can't imagine suffering through "She thinks my tractor's sexy" just to find out if schools are closed.


Roger said...

Honestly, they put it on their website at like 5 AM. I was just too busy to check. You can be sure though that I'm adding the number to my cell phone. No point in risking the kids safety when the desire to drive the car into a tree becomes overwhelming.