Tuesday, July 22, 2008

It's Faaabulous!

I don't get to watch a lot of television (something I'm not exactly lamenting), but I've noticed a disturbing trend lately. I used to watch the Bravo channel because it featured Inside the Actor's Studio, which was interesting. I haven't seen Inside the Actor's Studio in a long time though despite the fact that Bravo is on frequently at my house. I believe the reason for this is that Bravo seems to have switched over to a new format. See, where they originally focused on the arts and theater, Bravo now seems to be the "gay people decorating #&$%" network.

Don't get me wrong. I have no problem with gay people. In fact, at first I was glad to see them being represented more prominently in media where they weren't the target of jokes or being used on a sitcom because lisping is funny.

As I continue to see this stuff though, it seems they're getting a little overboard with it. First, the competition shows such as Shear Genius or Project Runway seem to revel in finding not just gay people, but flaming gay men who invariable seem to stay in the competition through the bitter end, often winning. Then you've got random shows about people overhauling houses and redecorating and guess what, once again they seems to almost always a gay couple who are redoing their kitchen or landscaping. I don't think I need to speak to Queer Eye for the Straight Guy.

I guess what bothers me is that every one of these shows revolves around the same thing: decorating. So where I originally thought to myself, "Wow, it's nice to see the homosexual aspect of our population being included in popular culture. Maybe we're finally moving away from the prejudice that has been so prevalent up until now.", now I see it for what it really is, the continuation of a well established stereotype.

Well done, Bravo. Effeminate gay men like to do hair, design clothes and accessorize their living spaces. Thanks for clearing that up for me. I'm thinking maybe I've seen enough for a while. Hopefully, you'll come up with something interesting to replace these shows when public interest wanes.

Next season on Bravo - African Americans preparing fried chicken, Mexicans gardening and white people who can't dance. Watch what happens indeed.

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