Tuesday, August 5, 2008

And the answer is none. None more black.

As part of my efforts to pretend that I'm still entrenched in video game culture, despite rarely taking the time to actually play games lately, I read up on all the latest stuff. I watch the trailers. I admire the screen shots. I idly wonder if my children will play Duke Nukem Forever, or if a mere generation will not be sufficient to actually get to a release date. Anyway, I know what's going on in the game world.

One of the latest trends really bugs me. It would seem that color has officially become passe for anything but children's games. To some extent, I guess I can see why this is happening. People want realism in their games. Brightly colored ghosts chasing around a banana colored circle lacking eyes was not exactly a hallmark of realism. Fine.

But for some reason, someone decided that realism meant either extremely dark and gritty, or even stranger, realism meant brown with big time lighting glare. I don't know what kind of world these people live in, but when I go outside, this is not what I see. Admittedly, not a lot of games take place in the country suburbs, but still. I've been to cities, and shockingly, cities come in full color too.

Not everyone screws this up, but what really gets to me (and prompted me to rant about it here) is that now the fans are actually altering released screen shots to look more like what they want to see. Apparently, what they want to see is "not much". For the most part, all they did was suck the color out of the shots. In looking at it, all I could think of was some goth kid sitting at his desk, resenting the fact that the game he was looking forward to playing would actually contain color, unlike his world, which is entrenched in darkness.

Seriously, if you follow the link, my favorite part is #6, "Necromancer's Choice". First, and this is important kids, if you want some industry to take your opinion seriously, I find that the best way is to do a side-by-side comparison of what you like vs what they have, and then at the top of their product, put the words "Wow gayness". That'll show them. Besides, I thought part of the joy of playing a Necromancer was sort of playing the scary guy (or girl, for our female frighteners). What fun is it to be a monster in a world of darkness?

Me, I'd rather be a monster in the mall any day.

1 comment:

Jasen said...

Everyone cheats when playing Resident Evil by turning up the brightness and contrast