Wednesday, August 6, 2008

That Wriggled and Giggled and Tickled Inside Her

Another day, another bloodletting. I went to the doctor this afternoon for a couple of unrelated issues, and it naturally let to a blood test. As I believe I mentioned before, the heart trouble was eventually tracked down to low iron, which I think this has a lot to do with the fact that every time I go the the $&#*ing doctor, they take some of my blood.

Anyway, I've been stricken with two new maladies, and both are ridiculous. The first is aching fingers. This in and of itself is not ridiculous. What's ridiculous is that they drew my blood to check for arthritis. Now, I know better, but I can't help but feel like that's and old person problem, and so between that and the fact that my beard seems noticeably grayer than when it started, I'm feeling slightly ancient.

The other issue is even stupider. Apparently, now at random times during my sleep, I click. That's right, I said "click". My lovely wife wakes me up and tells me, "You're making that clicking sound again". What the hell is that? Now, it occasionally wakes me up. It's like I close the back of my throat, and then try to inhale. So I had them look to make sure I wasn't swelling shut or something, which apparently I'm not.

So I'm supposed to track these things and get back to the doctor later. Take Aleve for now and see if it helps. Also, I'm supposed to enlist my lovely wife in figuring out if I'm acting restless when I start clicking at night. Personally, I don't think I am. I just think I'm being defensive. After all, we've all heard the old yarn about how many spiders people swallow per year, mostly while they sleep, and even though I know it's hooey, I think my subconscious mind is being protective, which is fine with me.

Those little eight legged bastards aren't laying any eggs in my gullet.


Jasen said...

Grinding your teeth? Do you ever awake with a headache?

I'm stressed to the extreme right now and I do it all the time.

Roger said...

I don't think so, but who knows. Now that we're all employed again, maybe I'll relax and it will go away.