Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Why No One Asks Me What I Think We Should Have For Dinner

It's finished. I dropped off my beautiful children. I found my station (not a big challenge - it's a small town). I played God of War: Chains of Olympus while I stood in line for 45 minutes, carefully angling the PSP so the kids in line behind me couldn't see it (it's rated M for mature after all). Then I stepped up and exercised my ability to bend the laws of the land to my will.

The problem is now one of self control. Voting like this always leaves me a little mad with power. After all, I have just taken action that could change the path of the country forever. That's kind of a big deal.

At first I kept it under control. In my head as I drove back to work, I voted on the jokes coming from the radio, deciding which were worth retelling. Then I voted on which store signs needed to be updated.

By the time I got to work, it was getting harder to control. When I saw in my email that I was to be part of a new team, I promptly announced my candidacy for team leader, and then voted for myself. I've gone through every poll in my forum and voted on them, whether I cared or not. (I'm not even an artist, why would I have a Wacom tablet? Oh, who am I kidding? I totally want one anyway.)

When I voted my boss off the team for wearing navy blue and black together, I knew I had a problem. (In my defense - really? Navy blue with black? Tim Gunn Wept.) I went back to my desk, took a deep breath, and reminded myself that this is just part of living in a democracy, and that almost every American gets the same chance to vote that I did. This is not my power alone, so there's no need to let it go to my head.

Which reminds me - most of you guys are Americans. What are you doing sitting around reading blogs? Go vote! Go on now! Sheesh.

What would you guys do without me?

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