Monday, March 9, 2009

My Daughter: A New Hope

Yesterday, the Princess took the first step towards becoming the woman that I hope she one day will become. In a weekend full of events, where we bounced from birthday parties to daddy daughter dances and back again, yesterday's event was clearly the most important. It was one of those moment that all parents look forward to with eager anticipation, just waiting for the time when you know they are truly ready.

Yesterday, my little girl got to watch Star Wars for the first time.

In order to accommodate her bedtime, she actually got to start it with her mother while I took care of medicating the Moose. Once he got to bed, I joined them just in time to see Luke and Obi Wan entering the bar in Mos Eisley. My little girl was completely focused, asking a lot of questions which I let her mom answer. This was both because her mom explains things better, and because I didn't want to geek out completely and frighten my daughter.

This was harder than I thought. I bit my tongue when the camera showed the bloody arm on the floor, resisting the urge to point out that light sabers would supposedly cauterize the wound instantly, thus making the blood incongruous with currently accepted lore. When she questioned why Han Solo shot Greedo, my wife explained that Han owed Greedo's boss money, and that Greedo was there to collect the money or kill Han. I held back the urge to point out the importance of the fact the Han shot first. wasn't easy.

In the end I managed to keep my geeking out to a minimum, choosing only to point out the places in the movie that correlated to parts of Lego Star Wars that she had played (sorry, but the urge for a Star Wars/gaming crossover geeking was too much for me). She seemed to like the movie and was excited when I pointed out that there were two more of them. So it looks like we'll be having a couple more movie nights with mommy in the coming weeks, which I'm fine with.

In a few years, she'll be ready to advance to the big leagues, and Star Trek is all mine.

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