Today I got word that my old stomping ground of Kalamazoo, Michigan has managed to get a petition put forth to repeal measures that made it illegal to discriminate against homosexuals for housing and employment purposes. Yes, in a time of unprecedented change and social progress, Kalamazoo has a group of concerned citizens who are actively fighting the powers that be, powers that tried to prevent them from discriminating against others. Way to fight the man, keeping you down, so you can, you know, keep those others down.
Personally, I don't think they're going far enough. For example, why not take the natural next step and put together a petition to end women's suffrage? Surely the good people of Kalamazoo are concerned with suffraging women, right? Besides, something has to be done. I worked with all sorts of women in Kalamazoo, and not one ever offered to bring me a cup of coffee or make me a pie. You can do better than that, Kalamazoo.
The real shame here is that during these hard economic times, there's not a realistic opportunity to take the really big steps. You know, fund putting in the duplicate drinking fountains and restrooms. You know, for them. You guys could truly be playing this old school if not for the whole "we've got like two big companies in town, and they're mostly skilled at layoffs" thing.
What Hell. I just blew another sarcasm fuse. See what you've gone and made me do? I hope you're happy with yourself. Now I can't be sarcastic again until I get to the hardware store. I guess I'll just have to take comfort first in that I got out, and second that when someone passed around a petition asking people in your town if they were ignorant bigots, only a couple thousand people were willing to go on record in agreement.
Now, Kalamazoo, you go and think about what you've done.
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