Thursday, May 20, 2010

That's All Folks!

This was a triumph.
I'm making a note here: huge success.
It's hard to overstate my satisfaction.
- Still Alive, GLaDOS

So, I've been doing this for some time now, and while I've enjoyed it, I think it's time I moved on. It's not that I think it's a waste of time or anything, but the fact is, I never really found an audience for what I do here. Well, that's not counting myself, and while making myself laugh is a noble enough cause, it's more easily accomplished by just making funny faces in the mirror, which is far less labor-intensive and does not typically require spell checking. Either way, my priorities have shifted, and I find that more pressing matters demand my hummingbird-like attention span at the moment.

The good news is that the site is all paid up for a while, so it's not like it's just going to vanish. Even those of you who read it somewhat regularly most likely missed a few things along the way, and this is your opportunity to catch up. You can benefit from my experience in using gardening projects to prepare for the zombie apocalypse. The World should know about Tiny Pete, and his selfless contributions to the needs of the vertically challenged. You can benefit from my wisdom in public speaking, romance and interview questions to avoid. My point is, there are depths here, and they're waiting to be plumbed.

Just like your mom.

So yeah, I'm going to post this bad boy, archive the whole mess to my USB drive, and walk away. It's been swell, and now I should probably do something to reduce that swelling. Those looking for bite-size bits of smart-assery are welcome to follow me over at Twitter. For everyone else, thanks for stopping by and standing witness to my weirdness for the last couple of years.


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