Monday, October 6, 2008

Technically, It's a Grammar Complaint

I keep trying to get away from the political stuff around here, so instead today we will discuss language. We all have our little accents here in the USA. I like to think that I do not, but my lovely wife points out that like most people in these parts I rarely say the 't' at the end of Detroit. Ah well, it's something to work on.

Being entrenched in the process whereby my daughter will learn to read, I have once again become acutely aware of how difficult it is to claim that things can just be sounded out, a fact that these accents make worse. That said, there are is one thing spoken incorrectly that I can not abide by. This term has no reason for existing, and for my money, falls well outside of an accent tissue and into a realm of almost intentional stupidity. Now, for those of my readers who are actually literate (pause to acknowledge silliness of this expression in a blog), please read the following word:


I was willing to overlook the fact that one tremendous boob pronounced this word incorrectly, because he was, as previously stated, a tremendous boob. Now there's another one out there, talking on television, trying to assume a mantle of power, and she can't say it either. So is this an accent thing. To the people of Alaska and the people of Texas share a common accent? Is there a whole slew of Americans that I am unaware of who feel the need to pepper their words with extra syllables? Is it a balance thing, where the syllable extracted from "You all" to make the sound "Y'all" is being used to extend this word? Seriously, just what the hell is going on here?

Maybe this really is a widespread issue, and I'm just not well traveled enough to know about it. You guys are from all over, right? Do people where you're from talk like this? Do YOU talk like this? Do you judge those that do? If not, why not? (Note: any admission to using this word in such a manner should probably be posted as anonymous in the comments section, as it will almost certainly result is some manner of judgment on your character - sorry, but all I have to go on is these two, and they aren't the brightest stars in the sky if you know what I mean.)

Now I know it's just a word, and that one should not allow themselves to get worked up about such things. I just get frustrated because these are the people representing us, and I hate to think of people in other countries associating me as being in the same shed as these particular tools. At least neither of the actual Presidential candidates uses the offending version of it.

Dude, I totally blew that whole "getting away from politics" thing again, didn't I?

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