Thursday, July 3, 2008

Ooh, I Wonder If Lowe's Sells Flame Throwers

Today a tree that used to sit next to my garage is now laying in my yard thanks to a reasonably large thunderstorm that blew through last night. I have confirmed that my insurance company took as much interest in this topic as I take in Ann Coulter's opinions on pretty much anything, which is none. As such, I am presented with an interesting puzzle. Do I use this as an excuse to buy myself a chainsaw or an ax?

Obviously, if I were to buy a chainsaw, that would make the job faster, it would be easier on me, etc. However, that is short term thinking, and I'm a long term guy. So while a chainsaw would make this job faster, what about in the long run? So the question I really have to ask myself is this: when the zombie apocalypse comes, which would I rather have at my side?

Again, I think a lot of people would say chainsaw, but I'm not convinced. Sure, when surrounded by a legion of the undead, bent on devouring you and your family, a chainsaw would be nice to have around. You know, it would let you clear a path in short order. So sure, in situations where you're surrounded, you would want the chainsaw. Also, let's face it - anyone who has ever seriously considered this scenario (and you all should) has the image of Ashley J. Simpson in their minds, so naturally the chainsaw is a big draw.

Situations where you're surrounded, however, imply that you've made a tactical error. I mean if you can keep your clan safe for, I don't know, maybe a week or two, then the rotting will kick in. At that point, you'd have to make a pretty serious blunder to find yourself surrounded by a bunch of slow, dragging zombies. So as long as we had enough food to hold us up in the house, being ambushed isn't a real concern of mine.

The downside of the chainsaw is obvious. It requires fuel and maintenance. While I suppose I could siphon gas out of cars abandoned along the roads for a while, I would have no chance at fixing a broken chainsaw. Heck, I can't fix the kids toys. So an ax looks good from that point of view. No fuel, no maintenance, and I could sharpen an ax against a rock. I'm pretty sure rocks will still be in full supply regardless of the flesh-eating crowds.

I don't know. Maybe I'm over thinking this. For now, I'll probably just borrow a chainsaw or something. Maybe buy the ax. I mean, when the time comes, I really only have to protect everyone long enough to get to the local Meijer anyway.

Then, it's machetes and shotguns all around baby.


Jasen said...

From The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks (son of Mel)

Blades don't need reloading.

Guns may seem a tempting defense. Indeed, many burglars and drug lords can be frightened off with even a modest handgun. But guns should be your last resort in a zombie attack.

* Guns are no good without bullets, which may be hard to come by after an apocalypse.

* Guns take practice. An untrained survivor could run out of ammo or accidentally shoot another living human before hitting a zombie.

* Guns are noisy. They attract zombies.

* As stated above, guns need reloading. They're slower than bladed weapons.

Even if you could be assured of being far enough away from the zombies to effectively dispense them with a sniper rifle, you'd attract more with every shot. Against these slow, bungling creatures, your sneakers are your best defense. If they fail you and you're surrounded, a bladed weapon is more likely than a gun to save your ass.

Roger said...

I really have to break down and buy that soon.